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A  Merry  Christmas  and  Happy  New  Year  to 

The  Tucson  convention  was  great.  We  had 
a  very  nice  meeeting  room  and  the  meeting  and  following  auc¬ 
tion  was  fun.  The  Bourse  Chairman,  Tony  Tumonis,  was  gracious 
and  invited  us  back  any  time. 

I  was  able  to  meet  Bill  Doty,  Wayne  and  Phyllis  Clanin, 
and  Glenn  and  Betty  Perry  for  the  first  time. 

Congratulations  to  Michelle  and  Garrett  Burke  who  re¬ 
ceived  this  years  Duane  Spellman  Award.  They  really  deserved 
the  award  and  thanks  goes  to  Michelle  and  Katie  Burke  for  being 
our  auctioneers. 

*  *  *  NOTICE  *  *  * 

Are  you  interested  in  being  a  club  trustee?  If  so  let  Nancy 
Yee  know  by  December  31. 

New  officers  will  be  elected  and  installed  at  our  next  con¬ 
vention.  If  you  would  like  to  nominate  someone  for  President, 
Vice  President,  Secretary/Treasurer,  or  Historian,  please  send  your 
nomination  -  or  if  you  would  like  to  run,  send  your  resume  to 
the  Secretary/Treasurer  These  nominations  will  not  close  until  at 
least  in  the  spring  of  2007. 

The  publication  of  another  Guide  Book  is  in  the  future.  I 
will  give  as  many  details  as  possible  in  the  February  2007 
President’s  Page. 


Archie  Kidd 




Holiday  greetings  from  the  land  of  ice  and  snow1  It’s  supposed  to  turn 
back  to  rain  soon,  and  we’ve  had  the  rainiest  November  on  record. 

Here’s  a  photo  from  several  weeks 
ago,  during  the  height  of  the  storms. 

Tins  poor  salmon  is  probably 
pretty  bewildered ! 

I'm  longing  for  the  warm  days 
and  sunshine  we  experienced 
in  Tucson  at  the  annual  meeting, 
which  already  seems  like  ages  ago. 

It  was  in  the  mid-to-upper  80’s  most 
of  the  time,  and  I  enjoyed  explonng 
several  local  museums,  and  seeing 
all  the  colorful  Day  of  the  Dead  and 
Halloween  costumes.  Quite  fun! 

A  Friday  excursion  to  Tombstone  with  Garrett,  Michelle  &  Katie  Burke 
was  most  enjoyable  It  was  the  125th  anniversary  of  the  shoot-out  at  the 
OK  Corral,  and  there  must  have  been  as  many  people  in  1880s  costume 
as  there  were  in  street  clothes.  We  had  a  good  time  watching  a  re¬ 
enactment  of  the  main  event,  and  checking  out  all  the  stores,  as  well  as  a 
trip  to  Boot  Hill  Cemetery  on  the  way  out  of  town.  I  ’d  highly 
recommend  a  side  trip  there  if  you’re  ever  in  the  area.  The  scenery  along 
the  way  is  beautiful  too! 

I  had  a  great  time  meeting  several  members  for  the  first  time,  including 
Glenn  Perry  and  his  wife  Betty  who  came  from  Kansas,  Phyllis  and 
Wayne  Clanin  from  Indiana  and  Bill  Doty  from  Arizona.  It  was  also 
nice  to  reconnect  with  other  members,  including  Bill  Haffher,  Harvey 

Chew,  Walter  &  Eda  Thomas,  Archie  Kidd  and  the  Burkes  Several 
local  people  dropped  in  briefly  to  purchase  rounds,  and  we  are  nearly 
sold  out  at  this  point.  Only  two  enameled  rounds  remain,  and  one  may 
be  taken.  So,  if  you  want  one  of  the  2006  Gila  monster  rounds,  now  is 
the  time  to  act! 



There  was  a  philatelic  window  set  up  at  the  coin  show,  and  we  purchased 
25  of  the  official  covers  for  club-  sales.  Only  1 50  of  them  were  made, 
using  our  2006  round  design.  If  you  are  interested,  they  are  available  for 
just  $2,  which  basically  covers  cost  and  postage. 

We  had  a  nice  dinner  on  Saturday  evening  at  El  Minuto  restaurant,  and 
were  joined  by  bourse  chairman  Tony  Tumonis,  who  did  a  fantastic  job 
promoting  our  club  rounds  (in  the  local  newspaper  and  in  a  letter  to  all 
dealers),  and  was  a  most  gracious  host.  Tony  provided  a  table  inside  the 
show,  free  of  charge,  so  we  could  spend  some  time  there  on  Saturday 
afternoon  after  our  meeting.  We  sold  several  rounds  during  that  time, 
and  met  some  nice  people.  Walt  Ostromecki,  who  was  running  a 
program  for  kids  during  the  show,  also  came  to  dinner  w  ith  our  group. 

All  in  all,  it  was  a  great  meeting. 

Yikes!  We  forgot  to  announce  the  election  for  Trustees  this  year.  If 
anyone  is  interested  in  becoming  a  Trustee,  1  need  to  hear  from  you  by 
the  end  of  December.  If  no  one  steps  forward,  we  will  not  need  an 
election,  since  all  current  Trustees  have  volunteered  to  serve  for  another 
two-year  term. 

It’s  time  to  send  in  your  dues  to  keep  The  Silver  Bugle  coming  for 
another  year.  Don’t  forget  to  send  your  FREE  25-word  ad  too!  Pre¬ 
printed  cards  are  enclosed  for  you  to  return.  Let’s  fill  up  the  next  issue 
with  LOTS  and  LOTS  of  classifieds! 

You’ll  also  find  a  set  of  the  revised  Bylaws  enclosed  with  this  issue  of 
The  Silver  Bugle ,  along  with  a  new  copy  of  our  bar  &  round  list,  updated 
by  Garrett  Burke.  Thanks,  Garrett ! 

Craig  Mulligan  sent  an  interesting  question  regarding  the  guidebook.  1 
checked  with  several  people  at  the  club  meeting,  and  no  one  could  figure 
it  out.  Craig  wants  to  know,  what  is  the  difference  between  a  World 
Wide  Mint- 1 5  and  a  WWM-15v?  It’s  the  Mother’s  Day  bar  with  the 
horse  and  foal,  dated  1974.  Does  anyone  have  the  re-cut  variety  dated 
1989?  If  so,  drop  me  a  line  ... . 

Until  2007! 

iasacnancvaLcomcast  net 


Minutes  from  the  annual  meeting, 
held  in  Tucson,  Arizona  on  Saturday, 
October  28,  2006.  The  IASAC 
meeting  was  held  in  conjunction  with 
the  Tucson  International  Coin  Show 
in  the  Agate  Suite,  Tucson 
Convention  Center. 

The  meeting  was  called  to  order  at  10: 1  Sam  by  President  Archie  Kidd 
He  introduced  Officers  &  Trustees  present,  including  Vice  President 
Harvey  Chew,  Secretary-Treasurer  Nancy  Yee  and  Trustees  Michelle 
Burke  and  Walter  Thomas.  Archie  then  asked  members  and  guests  to 
introduce  themselves  and  tell  about  their  favorite  bar/round. 

Glenn  Perry  came  from  Iowa  to  visit  his  cousin  Paul  Wells,  who  attended 
the  meeting  as  a  guest.  Glenn  noted  he  has  been  a  collector  for  1 5  years. 
His  wife’s  favorite  bar  is  the  Greathouse  Shirley  Temple  because  she 
collects  dolls.  Glenn  says  he  has  more  bars  than  he  needs. 

Phyllis  Clanin  started  collecting  holiday /birthday  rounds  because  she 
likes  them  and  because  she  and  her  husband  Wayne,  who  is  also  a  club 
member,  have  a  coin  shop. 

Wayne  never  thought  that  much  about  bars  -  just  thought  he  was  making 
a  big  profit  when  he  could  sell  them  for  25%  more  than  the  purchase 
price.  He  joined  the  club  because  he’s  excited  to  see  Phyllis  happy  and 
he  enjoys  the  meetings  and  making  new  acquaintances 
Walter  Thomas  got  hooked  when  his  son  bought  him  a  ‘Silver  Bullet’ 
bar.  He  says  Eda  is  the  real  collector  in  the  family.  She  missed  the 
opening  of  the  meeting  to  search  the  bourse. 

Bill  Haffner  bragged  he  was  from  just  outside  St.  Louis,  home  of  the 
World  Series  champion  Cardinals.  He’s  been  collecting  for  4-5  years, 
and  this  is  his  third  meeting  in  a  row.  His  favorite  bar  is  the  Mt.  Hood 
Coke  bar,  and  he  doesn’t  have  it! 

Katie  Burke,  our  only  junior  member,  said  she  enjoyed  a  trip  to 
Tombstone  on  Friday. 

Garrett  Burke  stated  his  favorite  bar  is  the  Denver  IASAC  bar. 

Also  present  was  Craig  Hassebrock,  a  local  guest ,  who  was  interested  in 
the  meeting  because  he  had  some  old  Franklin  Mint  bars  to  seli. 

Bill  Doty,  a  new  member  from  the  area,  arrived  a  few  minutes  late,  and 
said  he  was  happy  to  have  found  the  club. 

Wayne  and  Phyllis  Clanin  moved  and  seconded  a  motion  to  accept  the 
minutes  from  the  2005  meeting.  The  motion  passed  unanimously. 


treasury  .  Glenn  Perry  thanked  Nancy  Yee  for  her  work  on  the  newsletter 
and  was  joined  by  the  Clanins.  The  2006  Gila  monster  rounds  were 
distributed  to  those  present.  Also,  everyone  attending  the  meeting 
received  a  bronze  version  of  the  round.  There  was  a  show  of  hands  for 
members  who  would  be  attending  the  dinner  that  evening  at  El  Minuto,  a 
nearby  restaurant  recommended  by  bourse  chairman  Tony  Tumonis. 

Under  old  business,  Nancy  Yee  updated  members  on  the  bylaws.  At  an 
Officer  &  Trustee  meeting  the  previous  evening,  a  streamlined  set  of 
bylaws  was  approved  Patti  Finner  did  the  majority  of  the  work  on  the 
new  bylaws,  with  some  minor  adjustments  made  by  the  group.  Voting 
rights  are  not  changed,  so  there  was  no  need  to  bring  the  changes  before 
the  membership  as  a  whole.  Revised  bylaws  will  be  included  with  the 
December  issue  of  The  Silver  Bugle. 

Under  new  business,  Archie  Kidd  noted  that  we  forgot  to  publish  an 
announcement  in  a  timely  fashion  in  the  newsletter,  notifying  members 
of  the  upcoming  election  of  Trustees.  Nancy  Yee  noted  that  all  current 
Trustees  are  willing  to  serve  another  term  Harvey  Chew  said  that  a 
deadline  should  be  set  for  members  to  come  forward.  If  no  one  else  is 
interested  in  the  position,  all  current  Trustees  will  continue  for  another 
term,  and  no  election  will  be  necessary,  as  regulated  by  our  bylaws. 
Michelle  &  Garrett  Burke  were  presented  with  the  Duane  Spellman 
Award  for  Distinguished  Service  to  the  club  Both  were  very'  honored  to 
receive  the  award,  having  known  Duane  well  for  many  years.  Garrett 
related  a  story  about  a  competition  for  bad  Hemingway  writing  that  he 
was  entering  as  an  exercise  and  needed  a  cigar  box  from  Havana  for 
packaging.  He  called  Duane,  and  sure  enough,  he  had  an  old  cigar  box 
from  the  I950’s  in  his  shop.  Duane  said  that  whenever  you  enter  a 
competition  (Duane  himself  was  always  entering  contests),  you  need  that 
special  ‘something  extra.’  This  cigar  box  would  be  Garrett’s  ‘something 
extra.’  Well,  Garrett  didn’t  win  the  writing  contest,  but  he  did  do  well  on 
his  next  entry,  applying  everything  Duane  had  taught  him  about  entering 
competitions  This  one  was  for  the  California  state  quarter! 

Nancy  Yee  announced  the  winners  for  the  2006  member-recruitment 
contest  sponsored  by  Doug  Vining,  who  donated  two  Green  Country 
Mint  bars  for  the  members  who  brought  in  the  most  newcomers  over  the 
year  The  club  also  presented  Mike  Sprouse  and  Phil  Asher  with 
engraved  ‘Thank  You’  rounds  for  recruiting  the  most  new  members/most 
international  members  for  1ASAC  in  2006. 

The  2007  meeting  site  was  discussed,  with  Indianapolis  being  the 
apparent  first  choice  of  many  of  those  present.  Walter  Thomas  stated  it 
is  hard  to  find  a  good-sized  3-day  coin  show  anymore  Archie  asked 


/ - - - > 

Minutes . (com.) 

Walter  Thomas  and  Patti  Finner  to  look  into  other  eastern  U.S. 
possibilities  and  report  back  in  rime  for  member  notification  in  the 
February,  2007  Bugle.  Wayne  Clanin  offered  to  cook  steaks  for 
everyone  at  his  house  if  we  go  to  Indianapolis  next  year* 

The  possibility  of  starting  a  club  website  was  taken  under  advisement, 
since  one  of  the  members  who  had  proposed  it  was  unable  to  attend  the 
meeting.  Walter  thought  it  would  be  nice  to  have  one,  but  doesn’t  have 
the  technical  knowledge.  Michelle  questioned  the  time  and  expense. 

Bill  Doty  thought  it  would  be  good  to  set  up  a  clearing  house  to  buy  & 

Nancy  Yee  presented  engraved  Officer  &  Trustee  presentation  bars  to 
those  present  She  also  noted  that  several  members  would  be  receiving 
ten-year  pins,  but  that  none  were  present  at  the  meeting. 

Nancy  Yee  passed  around  a  small  sized  Bugle  as  a  curiosity.  Archie  had 
printed  some  miniature  newsletters  at  the  time  the  club  was  considering 
sending  the  Bugle  out  in  an  envelope. 

Wayne  Clanin  offered  to  send  older  postage  stamps  which  he  can  get  at 
about  50%  of  face  value.  Glenn  Perry  noted  he’d  recently  purchased  a 
box  of  stamps  for  $12  that  had  over  $90  worth  of  stamps.  Walter 
Thomas  noted  they’re  hard  to  sell  &  better  to  use. 

Archie  Kidd  thanked  everyone  for  coming  and  said  it  was  a  good 
meeting.  Wayne  Clanin  thanked  all  the  Officers  &  Trustees  for  their 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  approximately  1  lam. 

Refreshments  were  served  and  an  auction  was  conducted  by  Trustee 
Michelle  Burke,  with  assistance  from  Katie  Burke. 

An  informal  trading  session  followed  the  auction,  and  the  room  was 
vacated  shortly  after  noon. 

Several  members  sat  at  the  club  table  on  the  bourse  for  another  couple  of 
hours,  and  many  of  the  2006  rounds  were  sold  to  non-members.  There 
was  also  a  philatelic  window  at  the  show,  and  the  Gila  monster  design 
was  used  for  the  commemorative  postmark. 

1.  $17.00 

Prices  Realized:  2006  IASAC  Auction 

2.  $15.00  3.  $17.00  4.  $15.00 

5.  $18  00 

6.  $27.00 

7.  $18.00  8.  $16.00  9.  $20.00 

10.  $29.00 

11  $15.00 

12.  $18.00 



To  Michelle  &  Garrett  Burke,  Winners  of  the 
Duane  Spellman  Award  for  Distinguished 
Service  to  Our  Hobby  and  IASAC,  2006 

Best  Wishes  from  Linda  Spellman, 
Nancy  Yee  (2003),  Steve  Rood  (2004),  Archie 
Kidd  (2005)  and  their  families. 

New  Issues 

The  San  Francisco  Coin  Club  commemorates  the  centennial  of  the  1906 
earthquake  and  fire  by  issuing  a  two-medal  set  The  scene  chosen  by  designer 
Michael  Tumm  to  represent  this  seminal  event  in  San  Francisco  history  is  the 
collapse  of  the  Hotel  Valencia,  a  four-story  wooden  building  in  the  Mission 
district  which  tell  into  the  street,  killing  several  lodgers  The  logo  of  the  SFCC 
is  pictured  on  the  obverse  The  round  is  minted  in  silver  and  bronze  and  is 
offered  as  a  set  only  for  $28.  Please  add  S2  for  shipping  Advance  purchase 
only  with  a  December  15th  deadline  To  inquire,  email 
mf  wehner(rt)yahoo  com.  Sony,  no  phone  number  listed  on  the  press  release 
The  address  is  SFCC,  P  O  Box  880994,  San  Francisco  CA  94188-0994 

Reverse  Obverse 

The  International  Coin  Club  of  El  Paso,  Texas  has  produced  limited  edition 
medals  commemorating  the  closeness  of  El  Paso  and  Juarez,  Mexico  The 
medal  was  produced  in  silver  for  members  of  the  club  A  two-medal  set  is 
available  to  collectors  in  cupronickel  and  bronze,  with  a  limited  striking  of  50 
sets,  and  a  bronze  single  The  two-medal  set  is  available  for  $22,  plus  $3 
postage  &  handling  The  bronze  single  is  $8,  plus  $1  postage  Medals  orders 
should  be  made  payable  to  ICCEP  and  sent  to  P  O  Box  3535  El  Paso  TX 

The  Cupertino  Coin  Club  of  Cupertino,  California  has  its  2007  club  medals 
available  for  purchase  in  four  different  metals  A  copper  medal  is  free  with  the 
purchase  of  ten  bronze  medals  Cost  is  $18  for  a  999  silver  medal,  with  a 
mintage  of  80,  $4  (or  two  for  $7)  for  the  golden  bronze  and  antique  bronze,  each 

with  a  mintage  of  325  The  medal  pictures  a  conquistador  on  the  obverse  and  a 
California  poppy  on  the  reverse  There  is  a  $3  charge  for  postage  Checks 
should  be  made  payable  to  the  Cupertino  Coin  Club  and  mailed  to  P  O  Box 
448,  Cupertino  CA  95015-0448 

The  Lane  County  Public  Works  Department  will  release  the  third  of  seventeen 
covered  bridge  commemorative  coins  on  Saturday, 

December  2,  2006  A  total  of  500  coins  of  Office 
Bridge  have  been  minted  with  the  first  25  numbered 
Unnumbered  coins  are  $25  each  with  a  limit  of 
5/person  Email  your  order 

at  http  //ecomm  lanecountv  org  or  mail  to  Public  Works, 

3040  N  Delta  Hwy  ,  Eugene,  OR  97408  Please  add 
$4  per  round  for  shipping  &  handling  The  covered 
bridge  commemorative  coin  collection  is  being  sold  to 
help  keep  these  historic  structures  accessible  for  years  to 

Silver  and  bronze  medals  marking  the  100th 
anniversary  of  the  Pennsylvania  Capitol 
Building  have  been  issued  by  the  Harrisburg 
Coin  Club  The  obverse  of  the  round  features 
the  Capitol  and  President  Theodore  Roosevelt, 
who  spoke  at  the  dedication  October  4,  1906 
The  reverse  features  the  dome  The  rounds  are 
priced  at  $21  20  for  silver  and  $5  30  for  bronze 
An  historical  pamphlet  is  included  with  orders 
Send  correspondence  to  P  O  Box  5 1 ,  Highspire 
PA  17023,  or  phone  David  Rittner  at  717-939-8287 




New  Issues 

Salt  Spring  Island,  one  of  the  Canadian 
Gulf  Islands,  is  issuing  a  half-ounce,  999 
fine  silver  30mm  token  designed  by  inter¬ 
nationally  recognized  artist-sculptor  Thomas 
R  McPhee  One  side  features  a  stylized 
image  of  a  mermaid  holding  a  mariner’s 
astrolabe,  an  ancient  navigational  device 
The  inscription  ‘Salt  Spring  Island’  appears 
above  the  mermaid  and  ‘  1/2  OZ  ,  .999  FINE 
SILVER’  appears  below  the  figure  The 
design  on  the  other  side  depicts  two  orcas 
frolicking  in  the  ocean,  one  represents  the 
classic  Haida-style  of  carving  by  members 
of  the  First  Nations  in  Canada  and  the  other 
is  more  life-like  The  Lasqueti  Island  Mint, 
a  private  mint  in  British  Columbia,  is  striking 
the  pieces  Pre-paid  orders  are  now  being 
accepted  The  initial  mintage  is  limited  to  1000 
For  more  information,  check  online  at 
www  saltsprinudollars  com 

To^receive  a  free  wooden  nickel  celebrating  IASAC  member  Mike  Sprouse’s 
20  anniversary  in  business  at  River  City  Coins,  send  a  self-addressed  stamped 
envelope  to  Mike  at  713  Broadway,  Cape  Girardeau  MO  63701-5513 
Congratulations,  Mike' 


1 985-2005  ^ 
713  Broadway  Si 
\  573-334-1 108  € 


'erci\ ycOv 


This  listing  reflects  our  entire  inventory  of  past  &  current  club  issues.  They 
are  available  with  a  limit  of  oneferson  for  any  variety,  with  the  exception  of 
the  2004  Dalton  round.  All  orders  subject  to  prior  sale. 

IASAC- 1 4 

1 998  Pittsburgh  Convention  (round)  4  serial  #d 

$35  each 


2000  Sacramento  or  Bust  (round)  3  serial  #d 

$35  each 

1  selective  gold-plated,  serial  #d 


IAS  AC- 17 

2001  Mt  Vernon,  Virginia  Convention  (bar) 

1  bronze,  no  serial  # 


IASAC- 18 

2002  Cincinnati  River  Boat  (round) 

3  bronze,  no  serial  U 

$8  each 


2004  Dalton  Convention  (round)  23  serial  #d 

$22  each 

5  enameled,  serial  #d 

$52  each 

6  bronze,  no  serial  0 

$6  each 

IAS  AC-21 

2005  St  Louis  Convention  (bar) 

3  bronze,  no  serial  0 

$7  each 


2006  Gila  monster,  Tucson  Convention 

2  enameled,  serial  #d 

$55  each 

(one  sale  pending) 

1  bronze,  no  serial  0 


Please  add  $4  postage  &  insurance  for  one  of  two  items/$6  for  three  or 
more.  Mail  to:  IASAC,  P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle  WA  98118-8415- 

Don’t  forget  to  renew  your  membership  in  IASAC.  If  your 
address  label  has  a  1/2007  date,  it’s  time  to  send  in  a  check  for 
$15  (S20  foreign)  to  keep  the  Bugle  coming  for  another  year! 

IASAC,  P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle  WA  98118-8415 





Tuscon  Scrapbook 

Harvey  Chew  samples  a  cookie  after  the  meeting, 
and  chats  with  Bill  Haffner,  who  drove  in  from 



Archie  Kidd,  Walt  Osteromecki,  and  Tony 
Tumonis  share  a  laugh  at  the  Saturday  night 

Glenn  Perry  meets  guest  Kevin  Smith,  who 
stopped  by  before  the  meeting  to  purchase 
several  rounds. 

Garret  Burke  took  time  to  photograph  several 
bars  for  the  new  guidebook. 

V _ _ _ 


Tuscon  l 

Kate  Burke  helped  Walt  Ostromecki  with  his 
program  for  young  numismatists.  They  were 
playing  ‘Deal  or  No  Deal,'  based  on  the 
popular  TV  show. 

Two  ladies  from  the  Post  Office  staffed  a 
numismatic  booth  at  the  coin  show.  They 
were  kept  busy  with  hand  cancellations. 

Officers  &  Trustees  met  in  the  hotel  lobby  Friday  evening  to  hash  out 
several  details  before  the  general  meeting  on  Saturday,  r- 1  Michelle 
Burke,  Harvey  Chew,  Archie  Kidd,  Walter  Thomas  &  Nancy  Yee. 





Nancy  Yee  is  accosted  by  several 
desperadoes  in  Tombstone 

Glenn  &  Betty  Perry  at  the  dinner  at  El 


Glenn  Perry's  cousin  Jean  &  her  husband 
Paul  Wells,  who  live  in  the  Tucson  area,  had 
some  interesting  stories  about  life  in  the 



Tuscon  Scrapbook 

The  group  at  dinner  on  Saturday  night.  The  popular 
Mexican  restaurant  had  many  colorful  decorations 

Michelle  Burke  conducts  the  2006  auction,  while 
Nancy  Yee  records  bids  and  Katie  Burke  keeps 
track  of  them. 





Archie  Kidd  and  Bill  Doty  confer  after  the 
club  meeting.  Note  the  fancy  fruit  presen¬ 
tation.  The  catering  crew  at  the  convention 
center  went  all-out  for  us. 

Harvey  Chew.  Michelle  Burke  and  Phyllis 
Clanin  do  some  trading  after  the  meeting. 

A  re-enactment  of  the  shoot-out  at  the  OK  Corral  featured  the  Earp 
brothers  and  Doc  Holliday,  as  well  as  the  three  who  ended  up  in 
Boot  Hill  Cemetery. 



From  the 
Editor’s  Mailbag 

We  receive  comments,  questions  and 
friendly  greetings  from  members  and 
others.  Here  is  a  sampling  of  these 

Glenn  Perry  writes,  “Just  want  you  to  know  how  much  I  enjoyed  the 
I  AS  AC  meeting  in  Tucson,  rhank  you  for  the  work  you  and  others  did. 
After  meeting,  I  went  over  to  the  coin  show.  It  was  the  first  time  for 
Paul,  my  cousin,  to  see  one.  He  had  a  good  time.  I  did  get  5  bars  there. 
On  Monday  we  went  to  antique  shops  and  coin  shops  The  coin  shops 
didn  t  have  any  bars  I  didn't  already  have.  One  of  the  antique  shops  had 
a  few  coins  and  4  bars.  They  were  of  the  gold-producing  countries 
U.S.,  South  Africa,  Ghana  and  U.S.S.R.  Got  all  for  $20.  Didn’t  find  any 
more  in  Tucson,  and  didn't  get  to  look  for  any  in  Phoenix.  Stopped  at  a 
shop  in  Farmington,  NM  where  1  had  bought  some  silver  several  years 
ago.  This  time  he  said  he  didn’t  have  any  old  ones,  but  would  look 
Told  me  about  a  Coke  bar  at  a  coin  show  in  L  A.  for  $50.  Now  the  good 
part.  He  brought  out  12  bars.  He  saw  I  had  my  bar  book  and  wanted  to 
know  book  prices  on  some  of  them.  Most  were  R-4.  I  picked  up  3  -  a 
SWISS- 1 1  Drover's  Country,  SWISS-2  Arthur  Rubloff,  and  Burst  of 
Acclaim  USSC-282  with  a  CCC-Type  1  reverse.  Also  got  two  rounds  by 
C  rabtree  Mint.  One  was  14,  14,  14  and  the  other  was  pieces  of  eight.  Also 
a  round  Silver  Trade  Unit  in  14,  14,  14,  14.  It’s  an  unusual  round  put  out  in 
2005  by  Free  State  of  Wyoming.  These  cost  me  $18  each.  A  good  trip 

Sounds  like  you  have  an  unlisted  bar  with  the  USSC-282  variety ! 

New  member  Art  Tuberman  writes,  “1  was  delighted  speaking  with  you 
over  the  phone  the  other  day  and  receiving  and  enjoying  the  new  Gila 
monster  round.  Very,  very  nice.  I  am  not  only  a  collector  of  many 
items,  I  have  a  degree  in  herpetology,  as  well  as  one  in  aviation.  1  served 
17  years  in  the  U.S.  Air  Force  and  then  entered  the  F  A.  A.  Now  I’m 
retired  and  have  plenty  of  time  to  keep  busy  in  my  hobbies  and  other 
things  that  I  have  interests  in,  especially  my  interest  in  the  Gila  monster 
and  turtles  on  stamps.  My  main  interest  is  stamps  showing  turtles,  and 
bridges  on  stamps  and  coins.” 

Art  has  designed  many  of  the  rounds  for  the  London  Bridge  Rotary  Club  The  senes  was 
begun  in  1971  and  continues  still 


Michael  Turrini’s  holiday  letter  was  the  first  one  to  arrive  in  the 
mailbox.  He  writes  that  looking  ahead,  "My  intention  and  prediction— 
of  course  subject  to  change — is  to  end  it — turn-in  my  classroom  keys  and 
final  grades — and  retire  next  January  2008.” 

In  addition  to  his  many  numismatic  pursuits.  Michael  has  taught  at  Will  C  Wood  H.S  in 
Vacaville.  California  for  thirty  years’  His  specialty  -  the  annual  yearbook!! 

Val  C.  Mogensen  writes,  “’Of  course  there  is  a  Santa  Claus.’  The  late 
H,  Alvin  Sharpe  proclaimed  it  to  the  world  by  issuing  a  hand-engraved 
medal  with  a  likeness  of  Santa  Claus  on  the  obverse  and  the  above 
quotation  on  the  reverse. 

Mr  Sharpe  gave  the  medals  to  his  friends  dunng  one  Christmas  season 
in  the  1960s.  They  are  of  two  colors,  one  in  red  anodized  aluminum  and 
the  other  in  green  anodized  aluminum.  The  are  approximately  15-guage 
in  thickness  and  30mm.  in  size,  although  a  few  exist  in  38mm. 

Thank  you.  Val  for  a  sample  of  each  color!  Happy  Holidays !! 

Bill  Doty  writes,  “I  had  a  good  time  at  the  meeting,  although  short. 

Good  conversation  and  put  a  face  on  some  names.  Hope  to  do  more  and 
see  more  for  the  club  in  the  future.” 

E.  J.  Rosenberg  had  to  cancel  plans  to  attend  the  meeting  at  the  last 
minute.  His  pregnant  wife  was  experiencing  some  complications,  so  he 
was  staying  close  to  home.  He  emails,  “Have  fun  and  I’ll  catch  you  guys 
at  the  next  one.” 

Hope  all  is  well  with  you  and  your  family ! 

We  had  many  remarks  about  this  year’s  club  round  on  the  back  of  the 
postal  cards  that  were  sent  out  with  them.  Here  are  some  of  the 

“1  received  the  rounds  in  great  condition  And  a  great  big  ‘THANK  YOU’  for 
the  plastic  cases  you  put  the  rounds  in  What’s  the  first  thing  I  did  when  1  had 
the  rounds  in  my  hands9  1  dropped  one  of  course1  Cracked  the  case,  did  not 
damage  the  club  round  at  all  Have  a  great  holiday  season!”  Tony  Irvin 
“Thanx  for  the  beautiful  round!”  Kaye  Munshower 
“It  is  a  beautiful  coin."  Betty  Visser 

V _ ! _ J 


From  the  Editor’s  Mailbag 

“Thanx  for  allowing  me  to  participate  this  year  in  obtaining  your  club’s  medal 
designed  by  Daniel  Carr,  who  has  become  quite  a  phenomenon  and  thanx  for  the 
newsletters”  Edwin  Johnston 

'My  Gild  monster  rounds  arrived,  and  are  just  stunning!"  Dana  Gillespie 
“Both  coins  are  great,  but  the  colored  one  is  stunning!  How  the  colors  blend  in 
are  unbelievable!  “  Bob  Bongiovanni 

“3pm,  Oct  20th  received  1  oz  round  with  handsome  Gila  monster  Beautiful, 
outstanding  work  of  art  .”  Delbert  V  Bryant 

“I  received  both  my  rounds  on  the  20th  and  boy  are  they  nice  I'm  sorry  I  could 
not  get  out  to  Arizona  this  time  either,  but  I’ll  enjoy  reading  about  some  of  it  in 
the  Bugle  The  pattern  on  the  rounds  is  very  good  and  the  Gila  monster  looking 
out  over  a  rock  is  great  "  F.  Lee  Foley 

“Hope  all  went  well  at  the  IASAC  meeting  We  survived  the  earthquakes  which 
were  centered  only  10  miles  from  Waikoloa  Experienced  many  quakes  in 
California  but  this  was  the  worst  Radio  stations  were  all  out  -  so  much  for  the 
Civil  Defense  System  -  no  power  for  a  full  day  Lots  to  clean  up!”  Len 


“Just  this  minute  at  the  Post  Office  I  received  the  2006  Gila  monsters  and  they 
are  beautiful  Thanks  much!”  Dennis  Lotspeich 

“Very  nice  quality  and  art  work  on  this  year’s  round! !  Hope  you  had  much  fun 
and  rest  at  the  coin  show  ”  Don  Eubanks 

“What  a  beautiful  item  My  compliments  to  the  artist  ”  John  Gillgren 
“I  received  my  two  rounds.  They  are  gorgeous!  As  always,  thank  you  for  all 
the  effort  you  put  into  making  the  IASAC  such  a  wonderful  club  ”  Jacqui 

“Got  it!  It’s  awesome  Have  fun  in  Tucson.”  Sue  Golding 

“Medals  were  received  and  are  excellent  Best  wishes  for  Tucson,  we  wish  we 

could  make  it.”  Chuck  Luce 

“Received  my  coin  As  usual  it  is  in  excellent  condition.”  Ed  Wernle 
“The  medal  design  is  very  nice  "  Willis  Lucro 

“Thanks  you  for  sending  my  rounds  I  love  animals  on  rounds  I  have  a 
complete  collection  from  the  Alaska  Mint  going  back  to  1989  The  first  three 
years  were  made  by  Alaska  Precious  Metals  who  went  out  of  business  in  /9 1 ,  the 
the  Alaska  Mint  too  over  They  feature  a  different  animal  once  a  year  on  a  proof 
round  ”  Larry  Pung 
“The  Gila  is  Great!”  Randy  Guberman 

“The  medals  arrived  in  great  shape  and  I’m  glad  I  ordered  the  bronze  medal 
The  Gila  monster  looks  fantastic  and  so  lifelike! 1  I  also  like  the  enameled  one 
but  1  think  the  background  color  should  have  been  a  different  color  to  highlight 
the  Gila  monster  ”  Al  Lo 

“"Arrived  in  great  shape  Thank  you  Only  wish  they  made  the  sky  blue  so  that 
the  Gila  monster’s  head  would  have  shown  as  more  pronounced  Still  a  very 
nice-looking  set  of  medals.”  Jan  Henke 

We  did  try  the  sky  in  blue,  but  it  didn  l  look  as  good  as  the  finished  product 


We  received  a  press  release  from  Mike  Sprouse,  longtime  club  member  and 
owner  of  River  City  Coins  &  Jewelry  of  Cape  Girardeau,  MO,  announcing  the 
celebration  of  his  20th  anniversary  in  business  Mike  has  had  a  wooden  dollar 
produced  to  commemorate  the  occasion  Examples  will  be  sent  to  all  interested 
parties  who  send  a  stamped,  self-addressed  envelope  to  the  shop  The  address  is 
713  Broadway,  Cape  Girardeau  MO  63701-5513 

Doug  Jennings  missed  the  club  meeting  in  Tucson,  but  he  is  excused  He 
writes,  “This  past  month  has  been  extremely  hectic  My  daughter  was  married 
10/12,  my  great  niece  had  her  bat  mitzvah  10/20-10/22  in  Florida  and  while  I 
was  there  I  stayed  at  my  sister’s  for  10  days  I  drove  1300  miles  Saturday  to  get 
home  by  Sunday  ." 


Vernon  Baker  writes,  "Since  I  was  a  teenager  over  60  years  ago,  I  have  been  in 
the  water  well  drilling  business  ”  He  sent  a  reprint  from  the  Sept  2006  issue  of 
Water  Well  Journal  with  'A  good  question  ’  he’d  submitted  to  the  magazine  It 
goes,  “Most  people  think  ‘WWJD’  is  the  motto  “What  would  Jesus  do?” 

Well  drillers,  though,  think  “WWJD”  is  "Where  would  Jesus  drill?” 

Vernon  also  liked  this  joke,  written  by  the  late  President  Ronald  Reagan 
There  was  a  fellow  who  went  to  the  doctor  for  a  complete  checkup  He  was 
very  depressed  and  said  to  the  doctor,  “I  look  in  the  mirror  and  I’m  a  mess  My 
jowls  are  sagging  1  have  blotches  all  over  my  face  My  hair  has  fallen  out  I 
feel  ugly  What  is  it9” 

And  the  doctor  said,  “I  don’t  know  what  it  is,  but  your  eyesight  is  perfect  ” 

Michel  Bonnaire,  our  only  member  in  France,  writes,  "With  my  wife,  we  just 
begin  to  live  normally  with  everything  in  place  in  the  house  and  my  new 
appointment  in  the  French  Army  Aviation  School  Now  I’m  in  charge  of 
doctrine  and  studies  for  the  Army  Aviation  and  1  have  many  meetings  in 
different  places,  including  USA  I’m  coming  to  Fort  Rucker  for  one  week  in 
early  December  I  hope  to  find  a  couple  of  hours  to  write  some  words  about  my 
jobs  in  Tampa,  FL,  Ivory  Coast  or  more  recently  in  Sudan,  for  The  Silver 

We  look  forward  to  hearing  about  your  adventures.  Michel 1 

Last  but  not  least,  a  note  from  our  English  member  Alan  Robinson,  who 
emailed  to  say,  “Silver  Bugle  arrived  yesterday  Again,  very  nice  reading  Bob 
Brown  takes  top  marks  in  ‘Just  Humor  Me.’  I’m  trying  to  work  out  the  ending 
before  I  arrived  there,  about  birds  that  lay  eggs  in  other  birds'  nests?  Would 
never  have  got  that  one  Cuckoos  live  in  clocks  is  another  one  for  the  pub 
Friday  night!” 

Keep  those  cards  and  letters  coming  this  is  your  forum!  Happy  Holidays1 

i  a  sac  na  ncy  @co  m  cast  net 


Winners  will  be  selected  from 
Correct  answers  received  on  or 
Before  January  5,  2007 

Name _ 

C,  P.O.  Bo*  28415,  Seattle  WA  98118-8415 

Thanks  to  Lynnae  Clark  we’re  in  business  again  with  a  few  prizes  More 
donations  will  be  happily  accepted1 

Congratulations  to  Jerry  G.  Hall  and  Bill  Haffner  for  their  winning  entries  in 
the  last  contest,  and  thanks  to  Marion  Kendrick,  Len  Kruithof,  Vernon 
Baker,  Chuck  Luce  and  Larry  Pung  for  their  entries  The  word  repeated  twice 
was  Sahuarita 

The  theme  for  this  puzzle  is  Disney  Please  find  these  Disney  characters  and 
movies  Silly  Symphony,  Snow  White,  The  Lion  King,  Cars,  Beauty  &  the 
Beast,  The  Aristocats,  The  Living  Desert,  Aladdin,  Treasure  Island,  The 
Skeleton  Dance,  Pollyanna,  Mary  Poppins,  Alice  in  Wonderland,  Peter  Pan, 
Fantasia,  Chip  &  Dale,  Robin  Hood,  Tron,  Herbie, Plane  Crazy,  Pluto,  Minnie, 
Mickey,  Donald,  Goofy.  Good  Luck1 

B  E 

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c  ^ 

Classified  Advertising 

FRANKLIN  MINT  presentation  boxes:  2  with  1973  Fathers'  Day 
paperwork.  All  in  paper  boxes.  $5.00  each  plus  $2.00  shipping.  Patti 

Finner  715-445-4787 _ _ 

WANTED:  75<h  Anniversary  Coke  bars/silver  or  gold  All  rare  ones 
needed.  Please  send  list  with  prices.  Steve  Pfaadt,  1028  Carlisle  Ave., 

Louisville  KY  40215  or  ist>IQ28i<?aol  com. _ _ 

WANTED:  1995  IASAC-1 1  in  bronze,  1996  1ASAC-12  in  bronze, 

1997  1ASAC-I3  in  bronze  and  1998  1ASAC-14  in  bronze  Don  Barsi. 

P.O.  Box  7989,  Fremont  C A  94537-7989.  1-510-796-1225. _ 

WANTED:  Mini  Mint  bars.  Bill  HafTner,  P  O.  Box  1,  Jonesburg  MO 
63351  636-488-3270 _ 

WRITE  or  EMAIL  for  my  bars/rounds  catalog  -  $2.  HUGE  website:  Ken  Potter,  Box  760232,  Lathrup  Village  Ml  48076. 
Phone:  313-255-8907. _ _ 

ADULT  bars  -  limited  issue  of  100-  Dr.  Peeper's  12  Month  Physical 
Fitness  Program,  in  matte  finish,  matched  serial -numbered  set  #006, 
issued  in  1991 .  In  original  box  with  certificate  of  authenticity.  These 
bars  are  still  in  open  production  in  a  proof  finish,  but  only  100  serial- 
numbered  sets  were  made.  Very  rare!  $350  obo,  plus  $12  postage  & 
insurance.  N  Yee.  P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle  WA  98118  206-723-3699. 

We  are  mailing  196  copies  of  this  issue.  Membership  tn  1ASAC  is  $20 
($30  foreign)  with  renewal  at  $15  ($20  foreign)  payable  in  January'  every 
year.  Please  send  renewals  with  a  self-addressed  stamped  envelope  if 
you  would  like  a  new  membership  card  Mail  to:  P.O  Box  284 1 5, 

Seattle  WA  98 1 1 8-84 15.  Include  your  FREE  25-word  classified  ad.  The 
next  deadline  for  advertisements  is  January  10,  2007 _ 

Send  Holiday  Greetings  the  Hawaiian 
way  with  this  beautiful  poinsettia  bar 
from  Silversword  Productions.  One  oz 
999  fine  silver  with  proof  finish,  serial- 
numbered,  $17.50  each.  Several  silver  & 
bronze  sets  with  matching  serial  numbers 
remain,  $25/set.  Please  add  $4  postage  & 
insurance  to  your  order.  P.O.  Box  28415, 

Seattle  W  A  981 18-8415.  _ 

GILA  monster  postal  cover  from  the  Tucson  International  Coin  Show,  I 

featuring  the  2006  I  AS  AC  design  by  Daniel  Carr.  $2  each  postpaid. 

P.O.  Box  28415.  Seattle  WA  981 18-8415 

V _ ) 


Just  Humor  Me 

Jesus  and  Finkelstein  from  Chuck  &  Jean  Luce 
Jesus  was  wandering  around  Jerusalem  when  He  decided  that  He  really  needed  a 
new  rob 

After  looking  around  for  a  while,  He  saw  a  sign  for  Finkelstein,  the  Tailor  So, 
He  went  in  and  made  the  necessary  arrangements  to  have  Finkelstein  prepare  a 
new  robe  for  Him 

A  few  days  later,  when  the  robe  was  finished,  Jesus  tried  it  on  and  it  was  a 
perfect  fit! 

He  asked  how  much  He  owed  Finkelstein  brushed  him  off  “No,  no  no,  for  the 
Son  of  God9  There’s  no  charge1  However,  may  I  ask  for  a  small  favor? 
Whenever  you  give  a  sermon,  perhaps  you  could  just  mention  that  your  nice 
new  robe  was  made  by  Finkelstein,  the  Tailor?” 

Jesus  readily  agreed  and  as  promised,  extolled  the  virtues  of  His  Finkelstein 
robe  whenever  He  spoke  to  the  masses 

A  few  months  later,  while  Jesus  was  again  walking  through  Jerusalem,  He 
happened  to  walk  past  Finkelstein’s  shop  and  noted  a  huge  line  of  people 
waiting  for  Finkelstein’s  robes 

He  pushed  his  way  through  the  crowd  to  speak  to  him  and  as  soon  as  Finkelstein 
spotted  Him  he  said  “Jesus,  Jesus,  look  what  you’ve  done  for  my  business! 
Would  you  consider  a  partnership?” 

“Certainly,”  replied  Jesus  “Jesus  and  Finkelstein  it  is  ” 

“Oh,  no  no,”  said  Finkelstein  “Finkelstein  and  Jesus  After  all,  I  am  the 
craftsman  ” 

The  two  of  them  debated  this  for  some  time  Their  discussion  was  long  and 
spirited,  but  ultimately  fruitful  and  they  finally  came  up  with  a  mutually 
acceptable  compromise  A  few  days  later,  the  new  sign  went  up  over 
Finkelstein’s  shop 
Can  you  guess  what  it  read? 

Are  you  sure  you  want  to  know9? 

Here  it  comes 

Don't  say  you  weren’t  warned 

Time  Flies  from  a  friend 

To  commemorate  her  69th  birthday,  actress/vocalist  Julie  Andrews  made  a 
special  appearance  at  Manhattan’s  Radio  City  Music  Hall  for  the  benefit  of  the 
AARP  One  of  the  musical  numbers  she  performed  was  "My  Favorite  Things ” 
from  the  legendary  movie  “ Sound  of  Music"  Here  are  the  lyrics  she  used: 

Maalox  and  nose  drops  and  needles  for  knitting. 

Walkers  and  handrails  and  new  dental  fitting. 

Bundles  of  magazines  tied  up  in  string. 

These  are  a  few  of  my  favorite  things 


Cadillacs  and  cataracts  and  hearing  aids  and  glasses, 
Polident  and  Fixodent  and  false  teeth  in  glasses. 
Pacemakers,  golf  carts  and  porches  with  swings, 
These  are  a  few  of  my  favorite  things. 

When  the  pipes  leak. 

When  the  bones  creak. 

When  the  knees  go  bad, 

I  simply  remember  my  favorite  things. 
And  then  I  don’t  feel  so  bad 

Hot  tea  and  crumpets  and  com  pads  for  bunions. 

No  spicy  hot  food  or  food  cooked  with  onions. 

Bathrobes  and  heating  pads  and  hot  meal  they  bring, 

These  are  a  few  of  my  favorite  things 

Back  pains,  confused  brains,  and  no  fear  of  sinnin', 

Thin  bones  and  fractures  and  fair  that  is  thinnin’. 

And  we  won’t  mention  our  short  shrunken  frames. 

When  we  remember  our  favorite  things 

When  the  joins  ache. 

When  the  hips  break. 

When  the  eyes  grow  dim. 

Then  I  remember  the  great  live  I’ve  had. 

And  then  1  don’t  feel  so  bad 

(Ms  Andrews  received  a  standing  ovation  from  the  crowd  that  lasted  over  four 
minutes,  and  repeated  encores!) 

Thoughts  for  those  who  take  life  too  seriously  from  Bob  Brown 

Save  the  whales  Collect  the  whole  set 

A  day  without  sunshine  is  like,  night 

One  the  other  hand,  you  have  different  fingers 

I  just  got  lost  in  thought  It  was  unfamiliar  territory 

42 .7  percent  of  all  statistics  are  made  up  on  the  spot 

1  feel  like  I’m  diagonally  parked  in  a  parallel  universe 

Honk  if  you  love  peace  and  quiet 

Remember,  half  the  people  you  know  are  below  average 

He  who  laughs  last,  thinks  slowest 

Depression  is  merely  anger  without  enthusiasm 

The  early  bird  may  get  the  worm,  but  the  second  mouse  gets  the  cheese 

I  drive  way  too  fast  to  worry  about  cholesterol 

Support  bacteria  They’re  the  only  culture  some  people  have 

Monday  is  an  awful  way  to  spend  1/7  of  your  life 

A  clear  conscience  is  sually  the  sign  of  a  bad  memory 

Change  is  inevitable,  except  from  vending  machines 


^Always  try  to  be  modest,  and  be  proud  of  it1 

If  you  think  nobody  cares,  try  missing  a  couple  of  payments 
How  many  of  you  believe  in  telekinesis9  Raise  my  hand 

OK,  so  what  's  speed  of  dark?  Just  Humor  Me 

How  do  you  tell  when  you’re  out  of  invisible  ink? 

If  everything  seems  to  be  going  well,  you  have  obviously  overlooked  something 
When  everything  is  coming  your  way,  you’re  in  the  wrong  lane 
Hard  work  pays  off  in  the  future  Laziness  pays  off  now 
Everyone  has  a  photographic  memory:  some  just  don’t  have  film 
If  Barbie  is  so  popular,  why  do  you  have  to  buy  her  friends? 

Eagles  may  soar,  but  weasels  don’t  get  sucked  into  jet  engines 
What  happens  if  you  get  scared  half  to  death  twice? 

I  used  to  have  an  open  mind,  but  my  brains  kept  falling  out 
I  couldn’t  repair  your  brakes,  so  I  made  your  horn  louder 
Why  do  psychics  have  to  ask  you  for  your  name? 

Inside  every  older  person  is  a  younger  person  wondering  "What  happened?” 


Get  a  new  car  for  your  spouse  It’ll  be  a  great  trade! 

Happy  Holidays  from  Rita  Jene  Sledz 

A  lady  walked  up  to  the  clerk  at  the  Post  Office  and  asked,  “Ed  like  100  stamps 
please  ” 

“Denomination?”  asked  the  clerk 

She  looked  bewildered  and  said,  "Well,  give  me  50  Catholic  and  50  Protestant!" 

Holiday  Shopping  Tip  from  a  friend 

A  husband  walks  into  Victoria’s  Secret  to  purchase  some  sheer  lingerie  for  his 
wife.  He  is  shown  several  possibilities  that  range  from  $250  to  $500  in  price, 
the  sheerer,  the  higher  the  price  He  opts  for  the  sheerest  item,  pays  the  $500 
and  takes  the  lingerie  home 

He  presents  it  to  his  wife  and  asks  her  to  go  upstairs,  put  it  on  and  model  it  for 
him.  Upstairs,  the  wife  thinks,  "I  have  an  idea  Its’  so  sheer  that  it  might  as  well 
be  nothing  I  won’t  put  it  on,  but  I’ll  so  the  modeling  naked,  return  it  tomorrow 
and  keep  the  $500  refund  for  myself.” 

So,  she  appears  naked  on  the  balcony  and  strikes  a  pose 

The  husband  says,  “Good  Lord!”  You’d  think  that  for  $500,  they’d  at  least  iron 


He  never  heard  the  shot 
Funeral  on  Friday 

More  Shopping  Tips  from  Bob  Brown 
A  husband  was  in  big  trouble  when  he  forgot  his  wife’s  Christmas  gift  His  wife 
told  him,  “Tomorrow  there  better  be  something  in  the  driveway  for  me  that  goes 
from  zero  to  200  in  2  seconds  flat.” 

The  next  morning  the  wife  found  a  small  package  in  the  driveway.  She  opened 
it  and  found  a  brand  new  bathroom  scale 

Funeral  arrangements  for  the  husband  have  been  set  for  this  Saturday _  * 


Treasury  Update 


Previous  Balance 



New  memberships/renewals  «  $  150.00 

2006  Round  sales  1344.00 

Older  bar/round  sales  438.50 

2006  Aucrion  228.87 

Advertising  5.00 

Cash  donations  ^  00 


Postage  $  670.26 

Pnnting,  October  Bugle  227.06 

Printing,  club  flyer  38.97 

Numismatic  News  subscription  30.99 

ANA  membership  36.00 

Engraving  (Officer  &  Trustee  bars,  ‘  Thank  You '  rounds). 

bronze  rounds:  SilverTowne  205.90 

Miscellaneous  supplies  (envelopes,  ink,  etc.)  339.20 

Miscellaneous  expenses,  N.  Yee  (6-16-06  to  10-24-06)  202.23 

Miscellaneous  expenses,  Tucson  7 1 .86 

Catering,  Tucson  306.14 

Postal  covers,  Tucson  37,50 


New  Balance 


THANK  YOU  to  Lynnae  Clark,  Ron  Ulrich,  Walter  Thomas, 
Michelle  Burke,  Doug  Jennings,  Don  Eubanks  &  D.  V.  Bryant  for 

their  donations  of  cash,  stamps  and  silver  since  the  last  issue  of  The 
Silver  Bugle.  

WELCOME  to  new  &  returning  members: 


Steve  Pfaadt 



Jeff  Cooper  (Numismatic  News) 

APO  Italy 


Leo  Costanza  (Burke,  M.) 



Arthur  Tuberman  (Yee) 



John  F.  Bingaman  (Steffen) 



Charles  Wilmesher  (Asher) 







Established,  1985 

ARCHIE  KIDD  •  Erlanger,  KY  -  President 
HARVEY  CHEW  -  Seattle.  WA  -  Vice  President 
NANCY  YEE  -  Seattle.  WA  -  Secretary-Treasurer 
STEPHANIE  O’NEIL  -  Metairie,  LA  -  Historian 

MICHELLE  BURKE  -  Los  Angeles,  CA  TOM  CLARK  -  Elmira,  NY 

PATTI  FINNER  -  Iola,  WI  DOUG  JENNINGS  -  Petersburg,  MI 

WALTER  THOMAS  -  Caledonia,  WI 



ADVERTISING  RATES  for  camera  ready  Display  ads  and  Classified  word  ads  are: 
Full  Page  -  $25  (Non-Profit  Club  Rate  -  $  1 5)  Half  Page  -  $  1 5  Quarter  Page  -  $  1 0 

Classified  Ad  -  1  Oc/word 

The  LASAC  newsletter,  "The  Silver  Bugle"  is  published  six  times  /  year  in  February, 
April,  June,  August,  October  &  December.  Members  receive  one  FREE  25  word  classified 
ad  with  new  membership  and  ON  TIME  renewal,  redeemable  at  any  time  during  the  year. 

Send  all  advertisements,  with  payment,  to  the  Editor  at 

P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle,  WA  98118 

International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors 

The  International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors  (IAS  AC),  established  in  1985. 
is  dedicated  to  the  silver  round  and  art  bar  hobbyist,  collector,  dealer  and  producer.  All 
persons  interested  in  this  unique  hobby  are  invited  to  join.  The  club  regularly  publishes  its 
newsletter,  'The  Silver  Bugle,'  providing  some  of  the  most  interesting  reading  for  you,  the 
member.  Not  only  do  you  receive  advance  notice  of  new  rounds  and  bars,  you  may  also  lake 
advantage  of  specials  offered  by  the  many  IASAC  member-dealers.  We  also  produce  limited 
edition  silver  bars  and  rounds  for  our  members,  and  feature  special  contests  for  prizes  Isn't 
it  time  for  you  to  take  advantage  of  tire  benefits  available  as  a  member  of  the  IASAC0 

Yes,  1  would  like  to  join  the  largest  Silver  Art  Club  in  the  world.  Please  enroll  me  as 
a  member  of  IASAC. 

Please  Print 

NAME: _ _ 






E-MAIL: _ 

Mail  to:  IASAC  Secretary -Treasurer.  P.O.  Box  28415,  Seattle,  WA  98118 
By  accepting  membership  in  the  International  Association  of  Silver  Art  Collectors.  I  agree  to  abide 
by  the  Bylaws  of  the  IASAC  and  to  act  with  integrity  in  all  business  transactions.  Dues  are  $20  for  the 
first  year,  renewals  are  $  1 5/yr.  International  rates  are  $30  for  the  first  year;  renewals  are  $20/year.  ,